
~0~ Yanni's LiFe MeChanisM ~0~

Sunday, August 05, 2007

TuRniNg 24

Soon to be 24
But so far
I don't know what have I achieved
I don't have a direction in life
I still don't know what do I want
I don't even know
What am I to the earth?

This year
I've set so many goals
But none of it seems to be completed
Unrealistic Yanni
You've been unrealistic for quite some time already
It's time to wake up

This year
I'm left with another 4 months
What am I supposed to do?

Just do your best Yanni
But I feel
I'm under performance now
Am I setting to high expectation to myself?
Can someone tell me
Where am I heading to

Turning 24
But yet
I'm nothing


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