
~0~ Yanni's LiFe MeChanisM ~0~

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Speed DaTiNg

Have you heard about Speed Dating before
To me
it's kinda new and interesting
According to my friend
It's very famous in Australia
and it just started in M'sia

If you ask me hows my Valentine's
I can say it's quite fun and interesting
to engage in this activity
and to meet new friends

The fact is that
there are more single ladies than single man
how can that be
I'm still wondering
If the percentage of getting a boy is higher than a girl
or if not why
weird situation

I just want to apologize to the man that i spoke to the last
I'm just getting bored
and too tired to initiate the dialogue anymore
nice to meet you as well

Happy Valentine's Day to myself for these years
This year is a difference
Who only I know why is it a difference

- With love, Yanni -


At 4:52 AM, Blogger jaywalker_82 said...

Since the fact is there that there are more single woman than a single man, there's no reason why or reasons to blame if there was ever a case of one-to-many relationships. Wahahaha...


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