
~0~ Yanni's LiFe MeChanisM ~0~

Friday, October 06, 2006

BreaKiNg DowNs

It was quite some time
Since my last post
I'm so sorry
As I haven't got myself a new pc

For the past few days
I think it was terrible

I cried into sleeps
For consecutively two nights

I was being annoyed
By my baby
I know
This is the critical moment
Which needs a lot of endurance

I think
I'm seriously stressed out
Because of worrying too much
About his exams

I declared a war with him
Two days ago
We have not been talking

My parent has given me a notice
If he doesn't perform well
He will just need to be sent away
To any technical school

Let's see how
He has only two months to go

I'm kind of in the stressing mood lately
Due to exam periods too
Everyone does well

I need some relaxation
And destress sessions

Anyone wanna join?