
~0~ Yanni's LiFe MeChanisM ~0~

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

NoThiNg To SaY

Facing the pc for some time
I don't know what to write about
What happen to me?

Feeling sick

Some changes in the club
Still trying to adapt the change
But good still
More helpers to facilitate the work

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Time flies
It's November
And another month to go
To 2007

My god
So fast
I feel
As if the time
Runs at 200 km/h

I'm taking a few days leave next week
To take a short rest
To clear my mind
And also
To settle some problems

Initially plan is to visit friends
But then
My mum not very happy about it
I just give up the idea
As I really don't like naggings
When I'm planning to go out happily

This month
I'm going to make some changes
Lookin forward