
~0~ Yanni's LiFe MeChanisM ~0~

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Living On Vulnerable Earth

What LOVE is all about?
When I thought I've let go
In fact I haven't let it through
Because I don't like the me behaving that
It's hurt It's painful
I don't even dare to touch or go near it

I confronted myself again
My feeling towards him
It never fades
How silly am I think I'm so great
That I've forgotten about the feeling I had
I look like a fool

People always want to looks good
Including me
Don't want to let him know about my feeling
Good to him but is it to me
I begin to wondering again
I'm again like a FOOL

It's ok to feel how I feel inside
It's ok to be vulnerable
It's ok to love and care him
It's ok for me to cry over him again
I'm human again
Supressing my feeling doesn't serve me at all

You're right
He'll forever has a special place in my heart
That nobody can replace forever

What LOVE is all about?
Living On Vulnerable Earth
Demostrating so many beautiful human being in this earth
The passion towards people

Sher said
You've so much inside your heart
Don't ever try to avoid it

I can't even lie to you my dear
You can see through my eyes
How much do I love this person
It shows on how silly I am

By keep asking myself
Why do I love him so much?
What is it about him that attaches me so much?
It's all about LOVE

Love Above ALL

It's maybe why
I'm still not ready for another person to enter my Heart
But I'm giving my love on TOP of WorLD

- With love, Yanni -

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

HuMan BeiNg

a lot of thoughts come into my mind
Graduate soon soon soon
It's so fast
4 years later
How would I be
And here NOW I am
I tend to lost tend to confuse
Where am I heading to

It's about My LiFe
That's going to begin in a new chapter
In the real world, the societal world
Realistic Materialistic
It's fact that I knew long ago

Feling myself standing in the choice line, now again
Where do I want to go
Which path is the path that my heart say GO FOR IT
Listen to my heart
I'm always listening
Lately, there's a bit noisy inside
Where it says about my Family & Myself
How to balance it
How to have Win-Win

Be with them
Be with me
Be who I want to be

My Life is
My Life is as wonderful as I'm going through
all the ups and downs
There're sadness happiness crying and laughing
It's all about Life
of Being HUMAN

I'm just a normal Human Being
With feelings and emotions
that is so powerful
Where I can reach out to so many people around me
Creating a different in their life and also in My Life

- With love, Yanni -


It's weird
Weird in the sense of how I feel now
He's awesome
At least I truly feel he is now
Maybe because of he wrote so well
It really touches my heart
And I want to say thank you to him

There're many people in this world
But everything happened for some reason
As we always said
"There's no Accident."
For whatever it is
He left some footprints in my life
He can be a good friend of mine
Someone who is so daring
I admire people who are honest to their feelings
He is just one of the little them

Truly acknowledge for whatever he has done
And I know he'll surely meet his little angle
That inspires him to move on
The little angle
That's just for him

- With love, Yanni -