
~0~ Yanni's LiFe MeChanisM ~0~

Friday, May 18, 2007


Sick Declaration
Can't fight with the virus
I'm still failed

It was a long time ago
Since my last MC
But then
I didn't take any MC yet

Flu flu
Please go away
I want to club tomorrow

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

In CraZy MoDe

I'm in crazy mode
My mind is full with crazy things
It makes no peace to me

Sometimes I think
I'm sick

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

RuNniNg WiLd

What happen?
I should not let my thoughts run wild
I should not live without work
So boring
Extremely boring
A workoholic like me
It's hopeless

I wish
I can lie on the beach now
Looking at the stars
So wonderful

Wake up wake up wake up

I should not let my thoughts runs wild