
~0~ Yanni's LiFe MeChanisM ~0~

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

HoMeLesS ChiLd

She yearns for a home
A place that keeps her warm
She yearns for some peace
A peace that makes earth bliss

Where is her home?
She always asked
Where is the peace
That she yearns for long

What is a home?
She always asked
Place that keeps us warm
Place that give us comfort
Where is her home?
She always asked

She doesn't want to hear
She doesn't want to bother
She just want some peace
A shelter that called home

She doesn't want to see
She doesn't want to feel
She just want some comfort
A shelter that called home

Everything looks the same
People don't understand
She is stressing out
Because she thinks
She is a homeless child
Where is her home?

I'm a homeless child
She always said
I've my parents and siblings
But I'm a homeless child

Some MoRe WhYs

I solved the
X2 - Y2 = (x-y) (x+y)

I was hit by another why

Why is
( X - a) ( X + b ) = 0
Why must equal to zero?
Why can't it be 1, 2, or 3 or etc?

Oh my god
Fathin's question hit me
I'm still thinking

My head is still spinning

Monday, April 24, 2006


Why why why?
So many why
Spinning in my head

I'm still thinking
He said
I'm on the right track already

So tomorrow
We'll keep on exploring
The reason behind all the WHYs

I think
Honey will hate all these why


There are so many reasons
In communicating Math
Why why why?
Asked me
The members asked me

Why is
a2 - b2 = (a-b) (a+b) ?
I can proved the left hand side
What about the right hand side?

I'm still reasoning
I'm going to talk

Some reasoning is fun
My head
Keep thinking about it

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

DraMa aLoNe

I'm all alone
In the office
Taking care of everything

Not many members
SK threw some tantrum
As usual

I think
I still can't really handle well
On him

I really salute
His patience
Is really at higher level
Than mine

I'm practising looooh
I can be better

I'm confident about myself

Monday, April 17, 2006

MoViNg BacK ?

What's the difference?
Moving back or not?

This not the first time
That you asked already
What's the difference?

Will you
Give mum monthly income steadily?
Will you
Walk all your promises?
Will you
Go home for dinner every night?
Will you
Let mum has less worries?

So what's the difference?
When I've known all the answers
For all the questions above

I'm not moving back
If you want
Ask your wife
Don't ask me
None of my business

Sunday, April 16, 2006

In-StyLe ApRiL 2006

SiLLy LooKiNg

Showing off my new stylo
Give some feedback ya
I like it very much

A change is good
It's sort of silly look

At least
I feel better too
Light and relax
After the hair cut

To cut off my hair?
It was a big move
I did it

Friday, April 14, 2006

Low SpiRiTs

I was in a real low spirits
Even people around me sensed it

I know my spirit is low
I'll make sure
It doesn't affect my work

In fact
I really feel like crying
I hold my tears so tightly
That I make sure
It doesn't fall

It's not that
I want to spread my low spirit
But please
Allow me to be with myself
For some moments

In fact
My life alone doesn't stress me
Not about work
I don't feel like going home
The feeling is getting stronger
And stronger

I feel
I don't have a home

NeW LooK ^-^

I went for my hair cut
Of course
I must look for Henry

Very satisfy with my new look
Carmen said
I'm so IN

After the cutting
Feeling myself lighter

Henry saw I'm unhappy
He gave me 10% discounts

At least
I've got my hair done

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

TroubLe MaTteRs

I have been troubled
By my brothers' matters
So headache
I just don't feel wanting to fix it
But I know
I can't just leave it that way

I must do something
Tomorrow morning
I'm going to get my proof
There's no way you can get away

Don't understand why
Adults are as the children too

My dad said
He suspect him to run from school
I told him
SUSPECT is useless
I want PROOF
To hear from people is useless
I want proof
Do you know what is PROOF?
I'm getting nerdy right now
With your dragging attitude

No wonder
No wonder
I want to run so far away
From all of you

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

LaZy BuM

I admit that
I'm a real piggy

Holiday again today
I slept till 12 something
Without realizing the time
I was wondering why
Until I saw the grey sky

It was a nice sleep
I am so blessed
That mum didn't wake me up

I cooked my brunch
Swept my house
Take a nice bath
What's next?

Stared at my pc
Nothing to do
In fact
I feel I lack of energy
To do things alone
I miss darling Shannon
So so much

I want to have a hair cut
But salon
Doesn't want to earn my money

I understand
My frustration
Its coming from my hair
When I can't get it done
I feel frustrated
And my procastination
When will I stop?

I know
Someone will give me
Left and right
Front and back

I know I'm a lazy bum
I know I have to do something
The first thing is
To motivate myself

Where's all my energy?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

ThouGhT Of ToDaY

One of the thoughts
That puzzled me suddenly
Just now

I'm getting clearer on
Like and love a person

I mean
I don't know why
In a sudden
I can't feel the love inside me
Don't I have someone I love inside me?

I can feel it
I like a person now
But when Yeong asked me
I can't give her an answer
I've my reasons for it

I remembered
How persistent I can be
When I love someone
But not now
I feel empty inside me
That's rather scary

Or maybe
I'm looking in different view
To pursue the happiness
That belongs to me

Where am I?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

LoVe DisCoVeRy

Last night
On my way back home
In a bus

There were these Malay's
Mother, son & daughter
Boarding the bus
There were no seat
Until her son found one

He asked his mother to sit down
I saw the smile
On the mother's face
It's kind of love
And happiness
That others don't get

My frustration in the bus
Suddenly disappeared
A glimpse of smile
Appeared on my face

I've neglected something in my life
Where's the love inside me?

I remembered
Sher told me before
You've so much love
That you dont't know
It's inside you

I'm awaken
At this moment

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Off Day

I have my full off today
I went to do my passport
And try to guess
What time did I finish the task?
8.30 pm

I took the number at 2pm
It stated me to come back at 6pm
I waited until 8pm for my turn

What happen to our government efficiency?
It's always been like that
Should they invent something new to improve?
Or wasting their citizens' time on this?

It suppose to be a relaxing day for me
And it ended up to be so tiring
I want some rest

I didn't manage to go salon today
Maybe I can do it this weekend
Oh yeah
I bought a new bra
At least
As I promised to reward myself

Sunday, April 02, 2006

1 MonTh

1st April
One month working anniversary
Feeling a bit stupid
To put it here

I received my pay
Pay of my hard work
Wanna reward myself

A hair cut
Or a new bra?
Or both?

sLoWiNg DoWn

I heard the same feedback
This time is from someone else

Slowing down my pace
You wouldn't get too see clearly
When you move too fast

SY asked me if it sounds familiar?
He's right
1 year passed
I'm still doing nothing about it
What have I done all these time?

I've been asking myself how
In fact
I don't know how
You are right again
I'm expecting an answer NOW

Intention intention intention
Do I have the intention to slow down?
I should really put it down
Into my DOE